Extractable mechanisms and modular bases
I Meccanismi estraibili e Basi Modulari, un prodotto, sviluppato sulla base di un concetto nuovo, che consente di arredare basi e colonne utilizzando gli stessi moduli, semplicemente sovrapponendoli.
Unlimited space management
This is a product, developed on the basis of a new concept, which allows you to furnish bases and columns using the same modules, simply by overlapping them. In practice, one module will be used for the base, two for the half column and three for the tall column. Through appropriate connections it will then be possible to choose which modules to extract when the door is opened
Equally new is the sliding system, entrusted to guides positioned on the sides. In this way, problems due to deformation of the bottom of the cabinet are avoided, which can occur after a certain number of operating cycles in the case of the traditional column with central guide. Available starting from bases and columns of 30 cm. in width.
Explore our website to discover our collection of Sliding Corner and be inspired by our innovative solutions. We are ready to work with you to create functional, superior quality kitchens.
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